It is used to provide fat, including essential fatty acids to patients needing to be fed intravenously (through a small tube placed into a vein) because they are unable
Lipofundin 20% 250Ml
Generic Name Lipofundin
Use to treat Supplement
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It can cause Headache, flushing, fever, sweating,chills, chest and back pain.
An allergy (hypersensitivity) to eggs or soya-bean protein or to any of the ingredients of the emulsion, severe hyperlipidemia , severe blood coagulation disorders, severe liver failure, severe kidney failure and are not receiving dialysis treatment. Also Contraindicated in those sensitive to Vitamin EAsk your pharmacist or healthcare provider before using any medicine or food supplement.
Before using this product is given to you, your doctor will check whether or not you have one or more of the following conditions, in which the body may not be able to use fat correctly: diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the pancreas, impaired liver or kidney function, lung disease, sepsis (infection involving the whole body), underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). Because of the risk of allergic reactions, you should be monitored closely, during beginning of the infusion. If there is any sign of allergic reaction, e. g. fever, shivering, rash or dyspnoea (shortness of breath), the infusion should be discontinued. Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.
Please consult your doctor when taking this medicine if you are pregnant. Use with caution in breastfeeding and nursing mothers.
Manufacture by B.Braun Pakistan
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